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Author: Mitchell, Joseph

Title: The Missionary Pioneer, or A Brief Memoir of the Life, Labours, & Death of John Stewart, (Man of Colour,) Foun


Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: DocAmerSouth

Author: Mocho, Jill, 1946-

Title: Murder & Justice In Frontier New Mexico, 1821-1846

Year: 1997

Price: 50.00

Publisher: UNewMexicoPr

Author: Mogen, David, 1945-

Title: The Frontier Experience And The American Dream

Year: 1989

Price: 36.95

Publisher: TexasA&MUPr

Author: Moodie, Susannah Strickland, 1803-1885

Title: Roughing it in the Bush [Ontario]


Format: Txt-G

Price: Free

Publisher: GutenbergUS

Author: Moore, Frank (1843?- ) [from Pa.]

Title: Reminiscences of Pioneer Days in St. Paul [to the Civil War; assassination; 1862 Sioux uprising; typographer/p

Year: 1908

Format: Html Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: Libr Congress

Author: Morleigh

Title: A Merry Briton in Pioneer Wisconsin...Life in the West

Year: 1842/1950

Format: Html Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: Libr Congress

Author: Morris, Benjamin Franklin, 1810-1867, ed

Title: The life of Thomas Morris, pioneer & legis. of Ohio & US senator 1833-1839


Format: Graphic Html

Price: Free

Publisher: MOA-UMich

Author: Morris, Lucy Leavenworth Wilder, ed

Title: Old Rail Fence Corners: The A.B.C.'s of Minnesota History [DAR of Minn.]

Year: 1914

Format: Html Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: Libr Congress

Author: Morton, J Sterling

Title: Early Times & Pioneers [Nebraska Hist Soc v3]

Year: 1892

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: NEGenWeb

Author: Muir, John, 1838-1914

Title: The Story of my Boyhood & Youth [frontier & pioneer life; naturalist, Scotland & US - Wisc.]

Year: c1913 Bost.

Format: Graphic PDF

Price: Free

Publisher: Harvard

Author: Muir, John, 1838-1914

Title: The Story of My Boyhood & Youth [illus.] [conservation; naturalists; immigration]

Year: 1913

Format: Html Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: Libr Congress

Author: Murphy, Virginia Reed

Title: Across the Plains in the Donner Party: A Personal Narrative of the Overland Trip to California


Format: Html

Price: Free


Author: Myres, Sandra L

Title: Westering Women And The Frontier Experience, 1800-1915

Year: 1982

Price: 16.95

Publisher: UNewMexicoPr

Author: Nakayama

Title: Issei: Stories of Japanese Canadian pioneers

Year: 1984Toronto

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: UCalgary

Author: Nebraska Soc. Daughters Amer Revolution

Title: Nebraska Pioneer Reminiscences

Year: 1916

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: NBGenWeb

Author: Nebraska Territorial Pioneer Assn.

Title: Reminiscences & Proceedings, v. 1

Year: 1917

Format: Html Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: NBGenWeb

Author: Nebraska Territorial Pioneer Assn.

Title: Reminiscences & Proceedings, v. 2

Year: 1923

Format: Html Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: NBGenWeb

Author: Nebraska Territorial Pioneer Assn.

Title: The Pioneer Record: A Quarterly...Early History of Nebraska, v3#4, May 1896

Year: 1896

Format: Html Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: NBGenWeb

Author: Nelson, Ethel

Title: Wild flowers & buffalo bones: a parade of pioneers [Coronation District (Alta.)]

Year: 1974 Edmntn

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: UCalgary

Author: Nevin, Robert Peebles, 1820-1908

Title: Black-robes: Sketches of missions & ministers in the Wilderness & on the border [western Pa.]

Year: 1872 Pittsb

Format: Graphic Txt

Price: Free

Publisher: HstPittsburgh

Author: Nichols, Roger L. (ed.)

Title: American Frontier & Western Issues: A Historiographical Review

Year: 1986 Westpr

Format: Questia

Price: subs

Publisher: Greenwood

Author: Nicholson, James William, b. 1844

Title: Stories of Dixie [Confederate, Civil War; Frontier & pioneer life, Louisiana]

Year: c1915] NY

Price: Free

Publisher: UCLA

Author: Nipissing (Ont.) Township Council

Title: Pioneer Days in the Township of Nipissing [Ontario]

Year: 1974

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: UCalgary

Author: Nissen, Ole

Title: A paradise for the poor: Hussar, Standard & Caroline, Alberta, letters of Ole Nissen [Danish Canadians]

Year: 2001 Calgry

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: UCalgary

Author: North American Land Company

Title: Observations on the North-American land-company...more particularly the pine-lands of the southern & western s

Year: 1796

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: Libr Congress

Author: North Lawrence Civic Association

Title: Early History of North Lawrence


Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: KansasCol

Author: Nowlin, William

Title: The Bark Covered House, or Back in the Woods Again

Year: 1876

Format: Html Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: Libr Congress

Author: Noyes, J. P.

Title: Sketches of some early Shefford [country] pioneers [Quebec; Charles Allen; Asa Belknap Foster; Stephen S Foste

Year: 1905

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: UCalgary

Author: Nuffield, Edward W.

Title: With the West in her eyes: Nellie Hislop's story [frontier & pioneer life--Manitoba]

Year: 1987 Winnpg

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: UCalgary

Author: O'Brien, Frank George

Title: Minnesota Pioneer Sketches

Year: 1904

Format: Html Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: Libr Congress

Author: O'Brien, Michael Joseph

Title: Irish Pioneers in Kentucky: A series of articles published in the Gaelic American

Year: 1916Lville?

Format: Graphic PDF

Price: Free

Publisher: Harvard

Author: O'Rear, Sybil J

Title: Charles Goodnight, Pioneer Cowman

Year: 1990

Price: 13.95

Publisher: EakinPr

Author: Oddie, Tasker L. (Tasker Lowndes)

Title: Letters From The Nevada Frontier

Year: 1992

Price: 45.00

Publisher: UOklahomaPr

Author: Oesterreicher, Michel, 1939-

Title: Pioneer Family

Year: 1996

Price: 24.95

Publisher: UAlabamaPr

Author: Olmsted, Frederick Law

Title: A journey through Texas; or, A saddle-trip on the southwestern frontier

Year: 1857

Format: Graphic Html

Price: Free

Publisher: MOA-UMich

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