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Author: Westmacott, Charles Molloy 1787?-1868

Title: The English Spy: [v2] an original work, characteristic, satirical, & humorous ... scenes & sketches in every r

Year: 1825-6 Lond

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Author: Wood, William, 1864-1947

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Author: Wood, William, 1864-1947

Title: Select British documents of the Canadian war of 1812, Vol. 2

Year: 1920-28

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Author: Wood, William, 1864-1947

Title: Select British documents of the Canadian war of 1812, Vol. 3, Pt 1

Year: 1920-28

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Author: Wood, William, 1864-1947

Title: Select British documents of the Canadian war of 1812, Vol. 3, Pt 2

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Author: Zagorin, Perez

Title: A History of Political Thought in the English Revolution

Year: 1954 Lond.

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Author: Zastoupil, Lynn

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Title: The Third British Empire: Lectures, Columbia University, NY

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