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Author: Keating, William Hypolitus, 1799-1840

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Year: 1824 Phila

Format: Graphic PDF

Price: Free

Publisher: UGoettingen

Author: Keating, William Hypolitus, 1799-1840

Title: Narrative of an expedition to the source of St. Peter's River, Lake Winnepeek, Lake of the Woods, [et]c., v2 B

Year: 1824 Phila

Format: Graphic PDF

Price: Free

Publisher: UGoettingen

Author: Keeling, Richard

Title: Cry for Luck: Sacred Song & Speech Among the Yurok, Hupa, & Karok Indians of Northwestern California

Year: 1993

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Publisher: UCaPress

Author: Kelm, Mary-Ellen

Title: Colonizing Bodies: Aboriginal Health & Healing in British Columbia, 1900-50

Year: 1998

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Author: Kerri, James N.

Title: American Indians (U.S. & Canada): A bibliography of contemporary studies & urban research [Council of Planning Librarians. Exchange bibliog

Year: 1973Mntcell

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Author: Kerri, James N.

Title: American Indians (U.S. & Canada): A bibliography of contemporary studies and urban research. Supplement to the general bibliography section

Year: 1974Mntcell

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Author: Kersey, Harry A., 1935-

Title: Pelts, Plumes, & Hides: White traders among the Seminole Indians, 1870-1930 [illus.]

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Author: Ketchum, William

Title: An authentic history of Buffalo,...early inhabitants, both savage & civilized & the Six nations


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Author: Kidd, Adam (1802-1831)

Title: The Huron Chief

Year: 1830?

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Publisher: UWesternOnt

Author: Kidd, Adam (1802-1831)

Title: The Huron Chief, & Other Poems

Year: 1830

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Title: The Abenaki Indians, their treaties of 1713 & 1717, and a vocabulary: with a historical introduction

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Title: Choctaws & Missionaries In Mississippi, 1818-1918

Year: 1995

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Author: Kihn, W. Langdon

Title: Exhibition Portraits of American Indians, ... w/exp. of ancient & modern Pottery, Blankets, Jewelry, Bead & Le

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Author: Kinzie, Juliette Augusta, 1806-70

Title: Wau bun, the "early day" in the North west


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Author: Kip, Lawrence

Title: Indian War In The Pacific Northwest

Year: 1999

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Author: Kirk, Charles D (Se De Kay)

Title: Wooing & warring in the wilderness [a story of Canetuckey] By Se De Kay


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Author: Kirkby, William West, 1827-1907

Title: A journey to the Youcon [i.e. Yukon], Russian America [Kutchin Indians]

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Author: Knight, Oliver

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Author: Koch, George & Benjamin Kohnmeister

Title: Journal of a voyage from Okkak, on the coast of Labrador, to Ungava Bay, westward of Cape Chudleigh: [Inuit] .

Year: 1814 Lond.

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Publisher: UCalgary

Author: Kohlmeister, Benjamin & George Kmoch

Title: Journal of a Voyage from Okkak, Coast of Labrador, to Ungava Bay, Westward of Cape Chudleigh;...Esquimaux [ill

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Author: Kohlmeister, Benjamin Gottlieb &

Title: Journal of a voyage from Okkak, on the coast of Labrador, to the Ungava Bay, westward of Cape Chudleigh [Esqi

Year: 1814 Lond

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Author: Kroeber, A. L.

Title: Two Myths of the Mission Indians of California [J Amer Folk-Lore]

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Author: Krupat, Arnold

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Author: Krupat, Arnold

Title: The Voice in the Margin: Native American Literature & the Canon

Year: 1989

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Author: Kuipers, Barbara J

Title: American Indian Reference & Resource Books For Children And You

Year: 1995

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Publisher: LibsUnlimited

Author: La Flesche, Francis

Title: An Indian Allotment [illus.]

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Publisher: UVaLib

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Title: Nedawi

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Author: Lafitau, Joseph Francois, 1681-1746

Title: Customs of the American Indians compared w/customs of primitive times, v 1

Year: 1974

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Publisher: ChamplainSoc

Author: Lafitau, Joseph Francois, 1681-1746

Title: Customs of the American Indians compared w/customs of primitive times, v 2

Year: 1977

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