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Author: Swinton, William, 1833-1892.

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Publisher: UPittsburgh

Author: Sword, Wiley

Title: President Washington's Indian War

Year: 1985

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Author: Tarbell, Ida M. & Margaret Sanger

Title: Tarbell - Sanger Correspondence [birth control]

Year: 1921-35

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Publisher: AlleghenyColl

Author: Tarbell, Ida M. 1857-1944

Title: John D. Rockefeller: A Character Study [McClure's Mag.]

Year: 1905

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Publisher: AlleghenyColl

Author: Tarbell, Ida M. 1857-1944

Title: The History of the Standard Oil Company [illus.]

Year: 1904

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Publisher: URochester

Author: Tarbell, Ida M. 1857-1944

Title: What a Factory can Teach a Housewife [Association Mon., v 10, #11]

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Author: Taylor, Isaac, 1759-1829 (Rev)

Title: Scenes in America, for the amusement & instruction of little tarry-at-home travellers

Year: 1851

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Publisher: MOA-UMich

Author: Taylor, John

Title: Construction Construed & Constitutions Vindicated ("on the misconstructions of the Constitution by the Marsha

Year: 1820/2002

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Author: Texas

Title: Presidents of the Republic of Texas (& their Cabinets)

Year: 1996?

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Author: Thayer, William Roscoe

Title: Theodore Roosevelt: An Intimate Biography


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Author: Thomas, Benjamin Franklin, 1813-78

Title: Speeches, in the 2nd & 3rd ses. of the 37th Congress, & the vacation


Format: Graphic Html

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Publisher: MOA-UMich

Author: Thomas, Helen

Title: Front Row at the White House: My Life and Times

Year: 2001

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Publisher: Simon&Schuster

Author: Thomas, J. & T. Baldwin (eds.)

Title: Lippincott's pronouncing gazetteer & geographical dictionary of the world. 100,000 places


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Author: Thomas, Sandra

Title: A Biography of the Life of Frederick Douglass (w/chronology)

Year: n.d.

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Publisher: URochester

Author: Thonhoff, Robert H

Title: The Texas Connection With The American Revolution

Year: 2000

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Author: Thorpe, Thomas Bangs, 1815-78

Title: A voice to America; The model republic, its glory, or fall:...applied to the present US crisis


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Price: Free

Publisher: MOA-UMich

Author: Thorton, John Wingate

Title: The Historical Relation of New England to the English Commonwealth


Format: Graphic

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Publisher: CornellU

Author: Thurow, Lester C.

Title: The Impact of Taxes on the American Economy

Year: 1971 NY

Format: Questia

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Publisher: Praeger

Author: Thursday-evening club, Boston

Title: Proceedings of the Thursday-evening club, on the death of Edward Everett


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Author: Thurston, Robert Henry

Title: Robert Fulton: His Life & Its Results [illus.]

Year: 1891

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Publisher: URochester

Author: Tiffany, Orrin Edward

Title: The Relations of the US to the Canadian Rebellion of 1837-1838


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Publisher: CornellU

Author: Tingfang, Wu

Title: America As Seen by Oriental Diplomat


Format: Txt-G

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Publisher: GutenbergUS

Author: Trachtenberg, Alan

Title: The Incorporation of America


Format: Html

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Publisher: UVa-AmStd

Author: Tracy, Benjamin Franklin, 1830-1915

Title: The case of Henry Ward Beecher. Address by B F Tracy, of counsel for the defendant


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Publisher: MOA-UMich

Author: Train, George Francis, 1829-1904

Title: Train's Union speeches. "Second series." Delivered in England during war

Year: 1862

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Author: Travis, Frederick F.

Title: George Kennan & the American-Russian Relationship, 1865-1924

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Author: Tregle, Joseph George

Title: Louisiana In The Age Of Jackson

Year: 1999

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Author: Trowbridge, John Townsend, 1827-1916

Title: The South: A tour of its battle-fields & ruined cities, a journey through the desolated states [illus.]

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Publisher: MOA-UMich

Author: Tucker, George, 1775-1861

Title: The history of the US, from colonization to the 26th Cong., 1841


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Publisher: MOA-UMich

Author: Tucker, William H.

Title: The Funding of Scientific Racism: Wickliffe Draper & the Pioneer Fund

Year: 2002

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Author: Tuel, John

Title: Facts for the people


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Publisher: MOA-UMich

Author: Tugwell, Rexford G.

Title: The Diary of Rexford G. Tugwell: The New Deal, 1932-1935 (ed. Michael V Namorato)

Year: 1992

Format: Questia

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Publisher: Greenwood

Author: Turner, Frederick Jackson

Title: The Frontier in American History

Year: 1935

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Publisher: UVa-AmStd

Author: Tuttle, Charles Richard, b. 1848

Title: An illustrated history of the state of Wisconsin

Year: 1875

Format: Graphic Html

Price: Free

Publisher: MOA-UMich

Author: Tuttle, Henry

Title: A historical compendium, important & interesting items in the history of the US


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Price: Free

Publisher: MOA-UMich

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