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Author: Walker, Francis Amasa

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Year: 1883

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Publisher: CornellU

Author: Walker, Francis Amasa

Title: Mr. Bellamy & the New Nationalist Party (Atlantic Mon)

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Title: Our Population in 1900 (Atlantic Monthly)

Year: 1873

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Publisher: CornellU

Author: Walker, Francis Amasa

Title: Shall Silver de Demonetizied? (N Amer Rev)

Year: 1885

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Publisher: CornellU

Author: Walker, Francis Amasa

Title: The Causes of Poverty (The Century)

Year: 1897

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Publisher: CornellU

Author: Walker, Francis Amasa

Title: The Eight-Hour Law Agitation (Atlantic Mon)

Year: 1890

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Year: 1882

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Publisher: CornellU

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Year: 1883

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Publisher: CornellU

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Year: 1893

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Publisher: CornellU

Author: Walker, Francis Amasa

Title: What Shall We Tell the Working-Classes (Scribners Mag)

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