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Year: 1896

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Title: A Problem in Greek Ethics ["the Greek institution of paiderastia... adolescent alliances w/older men]

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Publisher: SacredTexts

Author: Taylor, Alfred Edward 1869-1945

Title: Plato's biography of Socrates

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Author: Teggart, Frederick John

Title: Contributions Towards a Bibliography of Ancient Libraries [The Library Journal]

Year: 1899 NY

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Title: A manual of ancient history [illus.; maps]

Year: 1872c]

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Author: Thirlwall, Connop, bp. St. David's, 1797

Title: A history of Greece v1

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Publisher: MOA-UMich

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Title: Ancient Indian weights [weights & measures; numismatics-India]

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Title: The Seven Evil Spirits from "The Devils & Evil Spirits of Babylonia"

Year: 1903

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Publisher: SacredTexts

Author: Thucydides

Title: Ex Thucydide: institutum funebris orationis apud Athenienses; Periclis oratio funebris; item Pestis atheniensi

Year: 1755Glasgw

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Publisher: UToronto

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Title: Perikleous epitaphios: (Thoukyd. II, 34-46): keimeno, metaphrase, scholia, epilegomena / I.Th. Kakride

Year: 1943

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Author: Thucydides] Kallet, Lisa

Title: Money, Expense, & Naval Power in Thucydides' History 1-5.24

Year: 1993

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Publisher: UCaPress

Author: Titus Livius

Title: The History of Rome, Vol. I

Year: 1905

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: UVaLib

Author: Titus Livius

Title: The History of Rome, Vol. II

Year: 1905

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: UVaLib

Author: Titus Livius

Title: The History of Rome, Vol. III

Year: 1905

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Price: Free

Publisher: UVaLib

Author: Titus Livius

Title: The History of Rome, Vol. IV

Year: 1905

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Price: Free

Publisher: UVaLib

Author: Titus Livius

Title: The History of Rome, Vol. V

Year: 1905

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Price: Free

Publisher: UVaLib

Author: Titus Livius

Title: The History of Rome, Vol. VI

Year: 1905

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: UVaLib

Author: Tod, Marcus Niebuhr (ed.) 1878-

Title: A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions, v 1

Year: 1933-1948

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Publisher: UMichigan

Author: Tod, Marcus Niebuhr (ed.) 1878-

Title: A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions, v 2

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Year: 1971 2ed

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Author: Tracy, Stephen

Title: Athenian Democracy in Transition: Attic Letter-Cutters of 340 to 290 B.C.

Year: 1995

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Price: Free

Publisher: UCaPress

Author: Tyack, George

Title: Historic Dress of the Clergy

Year: 1897ca Lond

Format: PDF

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Publisher: CaseWestern

Author: Tyler, William Seymour, 1810-97

Title: The theology of the Greek poets

Year: 1869

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Author: Verrall, Arthur Woollgar 1851-1912

Title: Euripides, the rationalist: A study in the history of art & religion

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Title: From Silver to Ceramic: The Potter's debt to Metalwork & the Graeco-Roman, Oriental & Islamic Worlds

Year: 1986 Oxford

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Publisher: Ashmolean

Author: Vince, Ronald W.

Title: Ancient & Medieval Theatre: A Historiographical Handbook

Year: 1984

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Author: Vinogradoff, Paul, 1854-1925

Title: Social & Economic Conditions of the Roman Empire in the Fourth Century (Camb Medv Hist)

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Author: Vitalis, Robert

Title: When Capitalists Collide: Business Conflict & the End of Empire in Egypt

Year: 1995

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Author: Waldstein, Charles (Sir) 1856-1927

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Author: Walters, Henry Beauchamp, 1867-1944 & Sa

Title: History of Ancient Pottery: Greek, Etruscan, & Roman, v 1 [300 illus.]

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Publisher: UToronto

Author: Walters, Henry Beauchamp, 1867-1944 & Sa

Title: History of Ancient Pottery: Greek, Etruscan, & Roman, v 2 [300 illus.]

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