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Year: 1791 Lond.

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Author: Wilkinson, John Gardner (Sir) 1797-1875

Title: A popular account of the ancient Egyptians, v1 [illus.]

Year: 1854

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Publisher: MOA-UMich

Author: Wilkinson, John Gardner (Sir) 1797-1875

Title: A popular account of the ancient Egyptians, v2 [illus.]

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Title: Pagan Regeneration: A Study of Mystery Initiations in the Graeco-Roman World

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Title: History of Ancient Philosophy (tr. H E Cushman)

Year: 1899 NY

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Title: Augustus & the Reconstruction of Roman Government & Society (U Wisc Studies Soc Sci & Hist #24)

Year: 1935

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Author: Winter, Nancy A.

Title: Greek Architectural Terracottas: From the Prehistoric to the End of the Archaic Period

Year: 1993 Oxford

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Author: Wolters, Paul (ed.) 1858-1936

Title: Das Kabirenheiligtum bei Theben [v1] unter Mitwirkung mehrerer Fachgenossen bearbeitet Thebes, Greece. -- Cabi

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Author: Wolters, Paul (ed.) 1858-1936

Title: Das Kabirenheiligtum bei Theben [v2] unter Mitwirkung mehrerer Fachgenossen bearbeitet

Year: 1940-

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Author: Wolters, Paul (ed.) 1858-1936

Title: Das Kabirenheiligtum bei Theben [v3] unter Mitwirkung mehrerer Fachgenossen bearbeitet

Year: 1940-

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Author: Woodward, Ernest Llewellyn (Sir) 1890-

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Author: Woodward, Ernest Llewellyn (Sir) 1890-

Title: Christianity and Nationalism in the Later Roman Empire [The growth of the Christian empire; Heresy & national

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Author: Zeller, Eduard

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Publisher: CaseWestern

Author: Zeller, Eduard

Title: A History of Greek Philisophy [v2] from the earliest period to....Socrates (Tr. S F Alleyne)

Year: 1881 Lond

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Publisher: CaseWestern

Author: Zeller, Eduard, 1814-1908

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Author: Zeller, Eduard, 1814-1908

Title: Aristotle & the earlier Peripatetics; [v 2] being a translation from Zeller's Philosophy of the Greeks

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